Sunday, May 30, 2021

Maya !

ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति ।
भ्रामयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारुढानि मायया ॥ 
हे अर्जुन ! ईश्वर सब प्राणियों के ह्रदय में विराजमान है । 
वह सभी प्राणियों को, अपनी माया के द्वारा यंत्र की तरह घूमाता रहता है । 
तुम ऐक यंत्र यानी machine हो, जिसे माया चला रही है। 
Deep meaning. 
Krishna is telling Arjuna not to hesitate in fighting. The truth is that these relatives, friends and foes - all have same God ( him) at heart and are machines controlled by Maya. This is similar to what a video gamer would call fighting a “non-player character” (NPC). NPC in a video game is a character not controlled by a player but by the computer, like the zombies that attack you while playing a game. These Characters are controlled by computer (माया) via algorithmic predetermined responsive behavior and have no free will in true sense. 
Looking at the people fighting petty battles, choosing predictable & less than ideal paths -  like zombies in a video game. 
Makes me wonder, are we all NPCs stuck in a game. 🤔

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