Have you ever wondered what would happen, if humanity could conquer natural death and hunger ?
Let's assume, a breakthrough in science takes away natural death altogether. A single shot of super immunity given to every kid before birth that alters the DNA, to make the child virus proof and slows down aging and halts it completely after a certain age.
Let's assume, a breakthrough in science takes away natural death altogether. A single shot of super immunity given to every kid before birth that alters the DNA, to make the child virus proof and slows down aging and halts it completely after a certain age.
Further in this utopian world, lets assume that food problem has been solved. Scientists have created disease resistant plants that bear fruits forever in every season, and can be grown very fast without much effort or care.
In short what if we had - a new world, where there was no death, no disease and no hungry mouths to feed. What kind of a place would this new world be? Lets try and probe deeper in this thought experiment.
Since the new human knows s/he will last forever, would s/he still need to work?
No, certainly not for survival. जब राम दे खाने को , तो कौन जाए कमाने को
So what would he want to do?
Enjoy the life.
But then if everyone wants to "Enjoy life", who will create products and services that help you enjoy life?
To put things in perspective, today for you to enjoy simplest things in life, like watching TV, a lot of WORK has to go in, the whole society MUST WORK, right from the factory where your TV was produced to the people who act/direct/record/create sets in those programs that you watch ...Or for that matter electricity generation / transmission /and also the work that you have to do to earn money to pay for these goods and services.
Same is true for the Book that you read / or the music that you listen to / or cars you drive to travel.
If no one NEEDS to work, would they still work?
With no death, there is no need to leave a mark on history (after all you wil be here for eternity), - every thing that this new human will do will be for himself ( स्व अन्त सुखाय - or to make himself comfortable) and with no sense of urgency ever. Would commerce remain as the way we know it ?
Lets broaden the perspective - would they want to have kids? And the Governments(if there is any government left at all) may actually try to ban addition to the population.
What will happen to growth and development ? Since nobody HAS to work, most likely it will slow down to crawl at snail's pace. Only the truly interesting / intellectually stimulating work will remain. Nobody would want to work in the sanitation department / pick your garbage/ drive bus for you / construct house for you.
Even not many would want to put effort to reach a stage where they can be the scientists to create further such research.
Would life come to a standstill ? No one dying, and not many being born, no one working, just idlig away their time?
May be for some .. but not for all. Survival of fittest has been hard coded into the code of life.
So how do you find the Fittest when there is no disease or natural death or hunger ? Ofcourse Wars.
War will be the reason for society to work / and the governments to exist and progress to be made.
Even this is true to some extent in current world order.
And to some extent this is what is happening even now, where ever life expectancy has risen and certainty over next meal has increased (food stamps or otherwise), the inclination to work hard in menial jobs has gone down. Today a lot of such work is being done by third world, China and India are doing much of the labour whose fruits are being enjoyed by the first world. Not many are working in developed countries to become scientists, they are importing people in these areas from third world.